Man Hilariously Freestyles a Cat Bath Rap

Cat Bath Rap funny

Cat Bath Rap

Dwayne “Moshow” Molock, likes to rap. And he likes his four cats. And he likes to rap about cats. His latest musical masterpiece, The Cat Bath Rap, is making quite a splash online!

The Cat Bath Rap lyrics include lines like, “Rub a dub dub. . . gotta give my cat a scrub,” and “I’m sorry, gotta keep you clean. Hey Ravioli don’t treat me mean.”

And speaking of  not being mean, Ravioli  the cat went on Facebook himself to explain why he’s getting a bath in the first place.

“Before a lot of people start giving my dad a HARD TIME. He HAS TO GIVE ME A BATH. I’m a SPECIAL BREED OF CAT that requires it! ❤ please be nice. Happy CATURDAY EVERYONE!”

After posting lots of cat-themed musical numbers on YouTube, it looks like Moshow’s  got a hit on his hand, with more than 1 million video views on Facebook since it was posted.

WATCH: Cat Bath Rap

credit: IamMoshow
