Adorable little Josie loves to talk and sing. She is frequently found hamming it up for the camera. With the help of her new toy, Josie sings her take on ‘Old McDonald’s Farm’. The internet is smiling!
While she may not have all the lyrics down, Josie makes up for it in super charm. This little girl is so precious sharing her story with her Dad. We love when she got to the sounds the animals make. Her interpretation of the sounds they make is just too cute!
Dad, Eric Palonen, caught on to his daughter’s complete ability to bring the cuteness. Since she was able to talk, this dad has been filming her adorable antics and posting them online for his friends and family to have a laugh. When he posted the ‘Old McDonald’ song, he probably never expected it to go viral. But Josie has a special spark about her and the camera loves her. Josie definitely has a special way of sharing her thoughts and making the world smile!
WATCH: ‘Old McDonald’ Told In An Adorable Way
credit: Youtube/Eric Palonen
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